Equine and Pet Trusts

Equine & Pet Trusts

The average horse show owner owns at least 2 horses, each valued over $10,000

  • Animals left in boarding facilities may become the responsibility of the facility
  • Can you be sure your horses and pets will be cared for correctly?
photo of animals

At ForsytheLaw, we know the importance of animals in our lives. We also know the value of animals like horses depends on their continued fitness and training. The best way to ensure that your animals retain value and are properly cared for in an emergency is a Pet Trust.

Pet Trusts setup protections for the care and feeding of your animals in the event you are unable to provide for them. Trusts also define who you would like to inherit your animals or how you would like them transferred. Don't let local laws and facility managers decide for you, work with us today to incorpate the care and support of yuour animals into your planning processes.

We're here to help

We would love to speak with you about your pets and sport horses (and we would enjoy meeting them!). Talk to us today about getting your animals the protection they deserve.